How Notion enabled our business to make $400k/yr in 24 months.

Using the best features of Notion we validated a number of MVPs. Notion MVPs are for the next wave in validating your business ideas.

How Notion enabled our business to make $400k/yr in 24 months.


  • Problem solving skills are more important than the tool. A tool like Notion is only a leverage to solve your problem.
  • Learning how to leverage tools will be a big deal.
  • Knowing the limits of leveraging a tool for an idea is important.
  • Having a plan of action for getting off the testing stack is important after the experiment is run.

Here's a some examples of how we leveraged Notion for various contexts:

We think, it's safe to say that over the period of last 2 years, almost every MVP of ours at Xperian has started off as a Notion MVP. Just take a look at the timeline of MVPs we ran โ†“

Timeline of MVPs and growth of Xperian brands.

Here's a brief list of projects we validated, executed and some still running very well on Notion.

Running a design school?
We've used Notion as an efficient LMS and an interface for students to submit their work.

Lead Generation Platform?
We've used it as a dashboard for designers and clients.

Hireworthy Refer

Hiring Designers? & Running a Recruitment business?
We've used it as a Recruitment CRM. We've used Notion as a place to inform our customers and help with decision making.

Xperian Guide Recruitment

Running a Podcast?
We've used it for backend processes which include scheduling, brainstorming and sharing information seamlessly with speakers.

Hireworthy Podcast

Educating people in No-Code?
All tutorials, curated information & a question database for all No-Code students.

Making an information product?
Full database stored in one place and shared quickly.

No-Code Integrations

Advisory for Startups and Clients ?
All logs and questions ย in one place.

Running Sprints?
Daily Documentation, Invoices, Miro Boards, Calendars all on Notion.

Personal websites?
Our first versions were on Notion and some still stay there Check out Karthi's Personal Website

*Internal team handbooks, documents, financial data and more...

Xperian Internal

No-Code Learning Stream?
Our first @teamnocoloco learning stream was on Notion.

Building/Making a Course?
First launch to beta users on Notion then to Podia for scale.

Making productivity tools digitally accessible for our Maker's Guild Community? It's hosted on Notion.

Conduce System

I think it's safe to say that our co-founder, Karthi ย even coined the term and made it an official stage of our launches in Xperian calling it, "The Notion Launch" ๐Ÿš€

With API coming, it'll make these opportunities so much more easier for anyone to launch their own businesses.