How to build your No-Code MVP

Are you ready to learn how to build your first no-code product? πŸ€”

Here's one of the framework we've used in launching all our MVPs at Xperian.You could use the same tooπŸ‘‡

1. Learn who is your customer

Find what solutions will really address that need and the customers. Use and learn from: Value Proposition Canvas to understand about your Customer.

Video from Strategyzer

2. Formulate your Value Proposition

In a human readable format here's one format, you can use right away πŸ‘‡

We help X do Y by doing Z
Value Proposition Framework by Steve Blank

3. Test your idea in some Channels

Find customers to test your idea with relevant users to validate or invalidate your idea by reaching out them in their relevant channels:

β†’ WhatsApp Groups
β†’ Reddit and Discord Communities
β†’ Aggregator Websites
β†’ IRL Conferences
β†’ Twitter Lists and more

4. Figure out possible solutions for your problem statement.

Not everything has to be an app or a website. It could also be a community or a newsletter. Listen to your customers and rank the best possible solution against available time and resources.

5. Create your Major Workflow

Take of your solution and map your no-code stack against it. An example of this could look like this πŸ‘‡

6. Formulate engagement methods

Figure out how you would engage with your customers to understand their needs and see what more they require.

You can do the following:
β†’ Schedule calls with your early customers.
β†’ Create a community of early customers and engage with them.
& more.

7. Define the success Criteria.

For any business, the only criteria that should matter is validation through Bank account. Money in the bank shows proof of validation.

Specific β†’ a conversion is what exactly? (πŸ’° or signup)

8. Collect Metrics from your app or landing page

Understandable β†’ everyone should be able to understand them
Comparative β†’ a ratio or a rate that you can compare over time
Actionable β†’ Β Vanity vs. Real metrics

Use Google Analytics to collect page visits and define funnels.

9. Collect Feedback to Iterate or Pivot.

Iterate: You will know what parts to tweak or keep.
Pivot: You will know if your MVP is working or not and see if you could work on other Solution or you are gathering new insights to build new solutions.

& That's it and good luck 😬 for your Minimum Viable No-Code Product (MVNCP).

If you've come this far, consider joining us at our upcoming cohort, FrugalMVP on Maven and ship your No-Code MVP under 12 Hours.

Begins in Jan 21, 2022, Register below πŸ‘‡

Learn how to ship an MVP in less thanΒ 12 Hours
Validate your startup ideas with No-Code in this fast paced learning sprint.