Moments from Weekend Webflow Workshop.

12+ hours. 32+ participants. 4.87 star rating. 94% publish rate. All in one Weekend Webflow Workshop. The buzz is still on. A few participants took up a five day optional assignment as a challenge to deepen the learnings from the workshop.

In short, a $10,000 landing page is getting cracked end-to-end from a $13workshop. Cool isn’t it? 😉. We are thrilled to see the engagement and enthusiasm in our little Whatsapp group 🎉.

Here’s a sneak-peak:

WWW Whatsapp Workshop Engagement.

And that is what we call as learning intently! You don't have to take our words for it. Here are some nice words from our participants 👇

A few testimonials from the participants.

And here are a few things we covered during the workshop:

  1. We started with the big picture of how business works and how value works. We double-clicked the business world and entered into product world. From there, we peeped into No-Code world and then finally touched on how Webflow helps in shipping value.
  2. We drenched ourselves with industry inspirations across various sectors and categories. From a simple landing page to e-commerce, and everything in between, we looked at a number of inspiring websites and web apps, like Abstract, Loom, Mapbox, Turntable and more. They all use Webflow as their Web builder.
  3. We also shared our love for Webflow by sharing a number of Xperian projects (both client work and our own). We shared our builds, learnings, stories, tears, joys and epiphanies from our path.
  4. We explored the core concept of Web — Box Model and how it drives everything we put out as content on the Web. We also spent enough time to understand the structure, behaviour and aesthetic aspects of Web.
  5. We learnt more about the Webflow interface, the design of modern building tools, and what it means to use the tool to build the web better.
  6. We started our journey of building with just text (as 95% of web is text) and shipped our first website without writing code. Following text, we explored text and image as content types and shipped another site.
  7. We explored FlexBox and Grid layout technologies in Webflow and uncovered the magic of shipping faster (in 1/5th of the time). We learned FlexBox more with a FlexBox playground built by Webflow itself.
  8. We introduced our secret sauce in the form of Xperian AAAA framework which helps the learner to get industry ready in a systematic way. We practiced how to use the framework using some examples.
  9. Finally we also learnt about Responsiveness and how easy it is to play with Breakpoints in Webflow, which would be otherwise a circus to take care.
  10. We then put together every concept we learnt, to see that many sites could be built professionally in a short period of time with a visual builder like Webflow. All we needed was to focus on the fundamentals through which we unleashed the power of compounding.

In these two days, we focused on the Pareto of Webflow, to boost the confidence of the learner, so that they can approach any web-building problem statement with clarity.

The questions asked by the participants were mind-blowing and as a team, we learnt a lot more about Webflow. It is a given that our next Weekend Webflow Workshop is gonna be a lot better, based on the learnings from this one. There are a number of requests for another one and we shall keep you posted on the next workshop date.

While all this is exciting and we are more than ready to teach you Webflow with our Webflow Intensive, we want to be mindful and empathetic around the status-quo in our country. Right now we need our time, energy, money and mind space for our families and friends who are fighting the second wave.

On that light, we are planning to push our WFI cohorts to give ample time for things to settle down. We shall keep you posted as we adapt to the current situations.

Our hearts go out to our friends and families who are going through emotional upheaval now. This is not the time for us to do anything else, other than care for our health. Stay Safe. Stay home. We will learn better and more if we are healthy.

P.S: If you have already applied for WFI, you will receive communication from us on the next steps.