Introducing: Webflow Intensive (WFI)
Become an industry-ready, professional Webflow Developer and ship designful websites and web-apps. All this in 8-weeks of cohort-based, No-Code program.

February was interesting for us. It reminded us that 2021 is here and we need to notch-up our no-code world.
We got atleast 10+ calls asking if we know any webflow(ers) in our circle. In one call we were specifically asked if we could audit a 50+ pager Webflow site and give a second opinion on the quality of the build (accessibility, semantic HTML5 markup etc). We never got such requests that too in such large numbers so far 🧐
It is an old story that we can build websites without writing a single line of code. The new story is, "Can we build scalable, accessible, dependable and well designed web sites and apps for product teams and product marketing teams?" The answer is, YES we can.
BUT there is a huge problem. Also the problem is two-fold:
- Demand for webflowers >> Supply of webflowers
- All webflowers ≠ Industry ready webflowers.
And this cannot be fixed by Webflow university alone. We need serious (industry level) practice with practitioners. Webflow is no more just a cool and fun site builder. It is mainstream and many product companies are adopting Webflow as a building tool rapidly.
We can say this with utmost confidence by looking into our own webflow consulting calendars.They are overbooked for the year already.The time is ripe for product teams to be up-skilled into serious webflowing.
Here is why:
- Beautifully designed pixel perfect sites now can be visually developed end to end by product teams without an ounce of tech dependency using Webflow.
- Content writers can change content on the site in wink of an eye without waiting for designers or developers.
- Product teams can run experiments (MVPs, A/B testing, Sprints etc) without bothering the tech teams and most importantly without looking ugly.
- Design teams can build deep design systems (interactivity, motion, sound etc) with almost zero hassle using Webflow.
- Product teams get to enjoy relentless iteration and create a single source of truth.
- Webflower is a (legit) job category now.A designer with webflow skills is an unstoppable build machine and an amazing asset in a product team.
- Freelancers and agencies can now deliver end to end designful sites and web apps without writing a single line of code.
If you are serious about becoming a serious webflower and skyrocket your career, here is an eight week intensive webflow cohort-based program for you. You walk in as a beginner and walkout as an intermediate industry ready webflower in just 8 weeks.
Join the revolution here: