What is a Minimum Viable No-Code Stack?

At Xperian, we've found that the best way to validate an idea is to build a No-Code MVP. We've learned to build these MVPs as quickly as possible. The quicker we can test our assumptions, the quicker we can fail and learn.

That's using the Minimum Viable No-Code Stack (MVNCS).

We've arrived to this Minimum Stack by performing a number of experiments over a period of 1.5 years. You choose 5-6 Platforms that are flexible and work for your context and use them well.

Choosing a good platform happens well by understanding how a tool functions by testing the main usecase of your MVP.

We've documented it for your reference on Hackernoon.

How to Apply the Pareto Principle to Learning Any No-Code Platform | Hacker Noon
How to learn about a No-Code Platform in 20% of the time.

Form your minimum stack with this experiment portfolio and start shipping real and full projects. That is the only way you learn.

Check out for MVNCS for Frugal MVP

This is a tried, iterated and tested stack that has worked for more than 20+ cohorts. It has been super fun putting this together.

Landing Pages & Payments:

@carrd: Landing Page
@Razorpay: Payments
@shoutoutso_ : Twitter mentions
@zapier: Sends Transaction info to @airtable

Other parts:

@NotionHQ Work and LMS
@discord Mange a community
@LumaHQ calendars.

In short, Minimum Viable No-Code Stack is the future of shipping a new business and you can learn how to do one in less than 12 Hours in our upcoming Cohort 👇

Frugal MVP
Build, Launch, Validate your No-Code MVP in no-time.