Introducing: The Weekend Framer Workshop

If you ever wanted to learn framer to build amazing, performant websites without writing code, you can do it in just a weekend through our structured workshop.

Introducing: The Weekend Framer Workshop
Weekend Framer Workshop Intro

If you struggle shipping quality websites fast, if simple sites are eating away precious developer time, if you hate learning in bits and pieces online, it ends here.

Introducing "Weekend Framer Workshop".

It's a 5-hour expressway to your @framer professional journey. Details below👇

Beyond just basics

Learning is exhausting. And the fragmented, linear content on the web makes it more difficult to put on actual skills. We designed the workshop more holistically, to bring strong fundamentals and all critical aspects of Web Building and Framer into 3 sessions.

Being a Professional

A feature-wise tool exploration only gets you so far to handle real-world projects in Framer and takes a long time to learn. Me and Madhuri will equip you with professional approaches. efficient techniques and curated tools to help you ship well, fast.

Learn from Experts

Condensing learning into a weekend is no easy task. It is a culmination of hours of our passionate work in delivering 10+ Framer projects, building 50+ websites without writing code and conducting 30+ new-age learning programs over the last 4 years.

High Value Curated Resources

We've all been victims of bookmarking a thousand links only to see they don't serve us at right time, in right way. Being Designers, we tackled this problem head-on with a simple, context-driven, level-based resource system you can rely at all times.

1 Week Async Reviews

Not all learning happens in sessions. To help you with ample time to apply your learning in various scenarios, we've painstakingly created specific tasks for you to do in a week after the weekend. And you get unlimited expert reviews on your work.

Now frame your weekend better! 😉
3 days, 2 experts, 1 outcome
Be a Framer Professional, efficiently!

Weekend Framer Workshop
Signup today to learn and build amazing, performant websites without writing code using Framer over a weekend.

Checkout more details at

Weekend Framer Workshop

✧ 3 Online Sessions (5hrs) ✧ 1 Week Async Reviews ✧ Web Fundamentals ✧ Framer Fundamentals ✧ D3 Web Builder Framework ✧ Level-wise Practice Tasks ✧ Peek into Real Projects ✧ Curated High Value Resources

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